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Public-Private Partnerships in Global Health: Addressing Issues of Public Accountability, Risk Management and Governance

PAQ, Vol. 36 No. 2, (2012)

Collaboration between organizations in different sectors of the economy is not a new development, but it has become increasingly dominant in the discourse on public sector reform (Wettenhall 2003). Partnerships between government and organizations in other sectors of the economy are now accepted as a promising way of generating new opportunities to leverage financial, human, and technological resources that will not be available if government goes it alone (Bovaird 2004, Savas 2000, O’Looney 1992, Linder 1999, Rosenau 2000). In particular, PPPs are emerging as an attractive strategy for leveraging the strengths of multiple sources in order to address health issues in low and middle-income countries. The promise, potential and challenges associated with PPPs are illustrated through examples of partnerships in global health, where particular emphasis is placed on strategies for public accountability, risk management, and governance. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the needed effort to address this gap in the literature on PPPs in global health. Such a contribution, in turn, would be expanding our understanding of PPPs in general and bridging the divide between theory and practice in the fields of global health and public administration.

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